There is a road, no simple highway

Between the dawn and the dark of night

 And if you go, no one may follow

 That path is for your steps alone

~Robert Hunter (songwriter for the grateful dead)

what is therapy? what can I expect?

Great questions! The answer depends upon us, who we are together. Custom-design, collaboration, sculpting..

psy .  cho .


Derived from Ancient Greek psyche ψυχή, meaning “breath; spirit; soul”,
and therapeia θεραπεία, “healing; curative advancements, to draw nearer to  wholeness”

who I work with

All ages are welcome and diversity is appreciated! Adolescents/teens/young adults from 15ish to 30ish are especially encouraged to see whether we might be a fit, as this tends to be the main demographic drawn to me (in particular guys who seek a male therapist, though all are warmly received!). I work uniquely well with emotionally-driven/inclined (sensitive) and ADHD-types (creative, artistic, problematic at times, allergic to boredom), addressing matters like depression, anxiety/worry, self-esteem/self-image, relationship stuff, family stuff, trauma/blockages/stuckness. I also often mesh fittingly with those on a mindful path, those propelled to continue to grow, evolve. The 1:1 dynamic is my focus, although I occasionally work with families or derivations of family members. Bonding with younger kids too is a joy, and tends to incorporate play, silliness, and the building of trust– the language of small people.

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